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Examiner: 8 thousand New Yorkers on the phone with ‘Congress’

Congressman Hakeem Jeffries hosted a telephone town hall meeting on Thursday, March 4, 2013 to discuss the concerns of Brooklyn and Queens residents. In a first of its kind for the massive Brooklyn and Queens area, calls were made directly to residences inviting households to listen, ask questions and share their concerns. In one hour, […]


“City Talk” with Doug Muzzio: Hakeem Jeffries, U.S. Congressman, 8th District of New York

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Black Lawmakers Demand an End to Prison-to-Deportation Pipeline

Washington’s renewed push for immigration reform comes fast on the heels of an election that positioned Latinos as the new deciders. But in all the post-election buzz and the Beltway’s bipartisan agreement that overhauling immigration is the best way to snag Latino votes, it’s easy to lose sight of the big picture. Immigration is, of course, […]


AFRO.COM: Revisions Needed for Black Immigrants

In the ongoing discussions about immigration Black immigrants continue to be largely unseen and unheard, scholars, activists and others say. But, the Congressional Black Caucus has vowed to ensure that Black immigrants are given a place in the current conversation. “Black immigrants have contributed a great deal to our economy and culture, and the Congressional […]


NYT: Hakeem Jeffries: Politics Versus Possibilities

Shortly after he formally took office, close to a thousand supporters turned up at the Pratt Institute to fete Congressman Hakeem Jeffries at a party billed as his district inauguration. In front of a packed crowd at Memorial Hall that included the most prominent Democrats in the crowded mayoral field, and with a few hundred […]


MSNBC: Seeing The Sequester With A Fresh Set Of Eyes

[[{“fid”:”324″,”view_mode”:”full”,”type”:”media”,”attributes”:{“height”:”349″,”width”:”602″,”style”:”width: 280px; height: 162px; border-width: 4px; border-style: solid; margin: 6px;”,”title”:”HJ on Wknds with Alex Witt 3.2.13″,”class”:”media-element file-full”},”link_text”:null}]] Freshman Congressman Hakeem Jeffries is disappointed that the White House and congressional leaders couldn’t come to an agreement Friday in time to prevent sequestration. As a result painful indiscriminate government spending cuts totaling $85 billion dollars are now […]


Brooklyn Daily Eagle: Jeffries Warns Court: Hands Off Voting Rights Act!

On the day before the US Supreme Court was to hear a challenge to the 1965 Voting Rights Act, US Rep. Hakeem Jeffries and other members of the Congressional Black Caucus spoke out on the House floor to call on the country’s highest court to preserve the 48 year old law. Jeffries (D-East New York-Flatlands) […]


NY1 News: Automatic Spending Cuts Could Hurt Sandy Victims, 9/11 First Responders

[[{“fid”:”316″,”view_mode”:”full”,”type”:”media”,”link_text”:null,”attributes”:{“height”:”299″,”width”:”405″,”style”:”width: 280px; height: 207px; border-width: 4px; border-style: solid; margin: 6px; float: left;”,”title”:”NY1- Sequestration Impact on NY”,”class”:”media-element file-full”}}]] Police officers and firefighters who responded on 9/11 and Hurricane Sandy Victims who are trying to rebuild after last fall's devastating storm are just two groups that could see their lives made even more difficult by automatic spending […]


BKNews12: Superstorm Sandy Victims Attend Second Town Hall In Canarsie

[[{“fid”:”299″,”view_mode”:”full”,”type”:”media”,”attributes”:{“height”:”310″,”width”:”586″,”title”:”BKNews12-Canarsie TH 2.20.13″,”class”:”media-element file-full”},”link_text”:null}]]


National Journal: Vote Ratings: Black Caucus May Flex More Influence

As Democrats prepare to flex what may be reinvigorated muscle this congressional session, the Congressional Black Caucus could be positioned to gain increased attention both from President Obama and congressional leaders. Passage of any significant legislation in the House may need as much support from Democrats—120 votes or so—as it does from Republicans. The CBC–a […]