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CBC Message to America: Rep. Hakeem Jeffries

Click HERE or on the image below to listen to the Congressman’s CBC Message to America:  [[{“fid”:”929″,”view_mode”:”full”,”fields”:{“format”:”full”,”field_file_image_alt_text[und][0][value]”:”Rep. Jeffries expresses his Message to America”,”field_file_image_title_text[und][0][value]”:”Rep. Jeffries expresses his Message to America”},”type”:”media”,”attributes”:{“alt”:”Rep. Jeffries expresses his Message to America”,”title”:”Rep. Jeffries expresses his Message to America”,”height”:”360″,”width”:”509″,”class”:”media-element file-full”}}]]


Huffington Post: How One Member Of Congress Gets Away From It All

NEW YORK — A roiling immigration debate. Instability in Iraq. Ted Cruz. Given all the pressures of the job, says Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D-N.Y.), “It’s not clear to me that I’ve had a good night’s sleep the entire time I’ve been down in Washington.” “Which, by the way, during my conversations with members does not […]


New York Times: Members of Congress Ask Holder to Open Federal Inquiry in Chokehold Case

Six members of Congress have asked Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. to open a federal investigation into the circumstances surrounding the death of a Staten Island man in police custody, and to extend the inquiry into other possible civil-rights violations committed by the Police Department through its “broken windows” approach to fighting crime. In […]


NY1: Brooklyn Congressman Proposes Public Housing Security Legislation

In a locket around her neck, Aricka McClinton carries the ashes of her six-year-old son Prince Joshua “PJ” Avitto. She says the whole family does the same. “We go nowhere without them. We wear them every day. Every day. This is our baby,” McClinton says. In June, Prince Joshua, known as PJ, and 7-year-old friend […]


Congressman Jeffries Aims to Boost Security Funding for Housing Projects in New York

Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (NY-08) speaks with NY1 to explain action he is taking to protect public housing residents in New York. He introduced a new bill in July called P.J.’s Act. This bill commits public funding to the installation of surveillance cameras in public housing buildings to promote safety for the buildings’ residents. Click HERE or on […]


Congressman Jeffries exposes the House Republican march toward impeachment on Fox News Sunday

Click HERE or on the image below to watch the full interview: 


MSNBC: Jeffries: ’$7.25 per hour is inadequate’

This interview initially aired on July 30, 2014 Rev. Al Sharpton talks to Rep. Hakeem Jeffries about the push to raise the minimum wage and help raise many Americans out of poverty. Click HERE or on the image below to watch the full interview: [[{“fid”:”911″,”view_mode”:”default”,”fields”:{“format”:”default”,”field_file_image_alt_text[und][0][value]”:”The Congressman with Rev. Al Sharpton”,”field_file_image_title_text[und][0][value]”:”The Congressman with Rev. Al Sharpton”},”type”:”media”,”attributes”:{“alt”:”The […]


Washington Post: President Obama’s impeachment is a fantasy — for both parties

President Obama is not being impeached. But for several years, Republicans have been indulging and even encouraging that fantasy on the part of the far-right edges of their party’s base. Conservative backbenchers have told their constituents that the House has the votes to impeach the president. High-profile figures such as former Alaska governor Sarah Palin have called […]


NY Daily News: Disa-pier-ing dock decays with $3M in Sandy repair aid unspent

The pier is in bad shape: only seven of the 40 lights work, the green hand railing is missing in several spots, metal pieces protrude from structural columns on the edge, and there’s a 5-foot wide hole in the ground by the smelly bathrooms. If only this storm-ravaged pier could be mended with red tape. […]