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MSNBC: Rep. Jeffries Discusses Federal Disaster Relief Funding on “All In With Chris Hayes”

[[{“fid”:”411″,”view_mode”:”full”,”type”:”media”,”attributes”:{“height”:”406″,”width”:”705″,”style”:”width: 650px; height: 392px; border-width: 2px; border-style: solid; margin: 2px;”,”title”:”HJ – Chris Hayes – Disaster Funding”,”class”:”media-element file-full”},”link_text”:null}]] Chris Hayes talks to Rep. Hakeem Jeffries, D-N.Y., and Steve Ellis of Taxpayers For Common Sense about expected the federal disaster response to the Oklahoma tornado disaster.


NY1 News: House Likely To Vote On Student Interest Rate Bill

[[{“fid”:”412″,”view_mode”:”full”,”type”:”media”,”link_text”:null,”attributes”:{“height”:”263″,”width”:”492″,”title”:”NY1- Student Loan Hit”,”class”:”media-element file-full”}}]] The House is likely to vote this week on a plan that would keep student loan interest rates from doubling on July 1, but some Democrats say that plan is actually worse than doing nothing. Washington bureau reporter Michael Scotto filed the following report. WASHINGTON, D.C. — Politicians are once […]


NY1 News: Canarsie Pier To Welcome Back Eager Brooklyn Fishermen

Another major step in Brooklyn’s recovery from Hurricane Sandy comes on Monday, when the Canarsie Pier will reopen for the first time in almost seven months to local fishermen and community members wanting to spend time by the sea. NY1’s Jon Weinstein filed the following report. The damage from Hurricane Sandy is still evident around […]


Queens Chronicle: Rep. Jeffries meets Lindenwood Alliance

[[{“fid”:”404″,”view_mode”:”full”,”type”:”media”,”attributes”:{“height”:”326″,”width”:”300″,”style”:”width: 300px; height: 326px; border-width: 2px; border-style: solid; margin: 4px; float: left;”,”title”:”Rep. Jeffries At The Lindenwood Alliance Mtg”,”class”:”media-element file-full”},”link_text”:null}]]Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D-Brooklyn,Queens) came to the May meeting of the Lindenwood Alliance, in the Fairfield Arms Co-op, to meet some of his new constituents. Jeffries told the audience that he was concerned with resolving any issues […]


CNN: Holder cites recusal in saying little about AP probe

Washington (CNN) — Attorney General Eric Holder said Wednesday that his decision to remove himself from the Justice Department investigation into a leak that led it to surreptitiously collect telephone records from the Associated Press leaves him unable to respond to questions about it. “I don't know what happened there with the intersection between the […]


Over-Criminalization Task Force In House Could Rethink Drug Laws

  NEW YORK — The House Judiciary Committee created a bipartisan task force Tuesday to investigate whether the federal code over-criminalizes minor offenses. Advocates and lawmakers said the move could eventually help reduce the size of the massive federal prison population. The over-criminalization task force was created by a Judiciary Committee voice vote. Members include […]


NY1 News: Hakeem Jeffries Positions Himself For Long Career In Washington

Hakeem Jeffries is only about four months into his freshman year in Congress but he’s already positioning himself for a long career in Washington. NY1’s Michael Scotto filed the following report. If you’re looking to knock Hakeem Jeffries off message, you won’t get very far. “There’s a hip hop song, every day I’m hustling, and […]


Our Time Press: Rep. Hakeem Jeffries Marks First Three Months in Congress

It has been three months since Brooklyn sent one of our best and brightest to Washington, D.C. Rep. Hakeem Jeffries is settling in to his new role after emerging victorious from a contentious primary against Councilman Charles Barron for the seat held by retired Congressman Ed Towns. “It is a tremendous opportunity to represent the […]


Voice of America: Faiz Rehman talks to Rep. Hakeem Jeffries

Click on the image below to watch Voice of America’s Faiz Rehman interview Rep. Hakeem Jeffries on being new to the Congress, representing the 8th Congressional District of New York, and on being a strong supporter of immigration reform and cultural diversity:  [[{“fid”:”385″,”view_mode”:”full”,”type”:”media”,”attributes”:{“height”:”340″,”width”:”478″,”style”:”width: 300px; height: 213px; border-width: 4px; border-style: solid; margin: 4px;”,”title”:”VoA – Faiz Rehman”,”class”:”media-element […]


Capital New York: The New Congressman From Gun-Afflicted Brooklyn Is Hopeful On Background Checks

[[{“fid”:”362″,”view_mode”:”full”,”type”:”media”,”attributes”:{“height”:”300″,”width”:”400″,”style”:”font-size: 13.63636302947998px; line-height: 22.386363983154297px; width: 400px; height: 300px; float: left; border-width: 4px; border-style: solid; margin: 4px;”,”title”:”Media Roundtable – 4.15.13″,”class”:”media-element file-full”},”link_text”:null}]]The House Judiciary Committee has yet to hold a hearing on guns, but new representative Hakeem Jeffries is cautiously optimistic about the prospect of getting a background check bill through Congress. “I think that if the […]