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The Hill: “Rep. Jeffries seeks to maximize gains from second Obama term “

[[{“fid”:”587″,”view_mode”:”full”,”type”:”media”,”link_text”:null,”attributes”:{“height”:”1369″,”width”:”2413″,”style”:”width: 300px; height: 170px; border-width: 2px; border-style: solid; margin: 2px; float: left;”,”title”:”The Hill – Rep. Jeffries 10.21.13″,”class”:”media-element file-full”}}]] Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D-N.Y.) is not sure if he is in the real world, but he is definitely in Congress. The Brooklyn native spent nine years in higher education and seven years in corporate law before moving […]


MSNBC’s Melissa Harris Perry: “America and Black Political Power”

On October 19, 2013, Rep. Hakeem Jeffries  discussed race relations in American politics and the reaction to black political power on MSNBC's Melissa Harris Perry. Additional panelists included, Glynda Carr, Audra Gillespie, and Kristen Soltis Anderson.  Click on the image below to watch the segment:    [[{“fid”:”588″,”view_mode”:”full”,”type”:”media”,”link_text”:null,”attributes”:{“height”:”332″,”width”:”580″,”style”:”width: 380px; height: 218px; border-width: 2px; border-style: solid; margin: […]

Press Release

Rep. Jeffries On The End Of The Government Shutdown

WASHINGTON – Congressman Hakeem Jeffries (NY-8) issued the following statement on House passage of the bipartisan agreement to reopen the government and avert default: “Our national nightmare is over.  The government will reopen, a default has been averted and it’s time to get back to doing the business of the American people.”


NY Amsterdam News: How people are being hurt by the government shutdown

Rep. Hakeem Jeffries called the shutdown a “sad moment” in the nation’s history. He blames tea party extremists for the shutdown. Even if you’re looking for guidance about the government shutdown via the president’s website at, you will see this message: “Due to Congress’s failure to pass legislation to fund the government, the information […]

Press Release

Jeffries Denounces House Gop Mini-Me Strategy

WASHINGTON – Today, on the House Floor, Congressman Hakeem Jeffries (NY-8) stood up for Superstorm Sandy victims in Brooklyn and Queens.  He denounced the House GOP strategy to reopen small parts of the government and ignore the rest while Americans suffer. The video can be viewed by clicking here or on the image below: Rep. Jeffries […]


The Russian Reklama: Hakeem Jeffries Visits “Russians” (Community)

It is always a pleasure to have politicians visit Russian-speaking Americans; to listen to their concerns and answer their questions. Recently Congressman Hakeem Jeffries, who represents Congressional District 8, home to many Russian-speaking people, held a meeting with Russian–speaking leaders at the Shorefront Y. Congressman Jeffries told the audience of his admiration of Israel and about his […]

Press Release

Jeffries Takes To The Floor To Explain House Republican-Shutdown Mythology

WASHINGTON – On October 7, 2013, Congressman Hakeem Jeffries (NY-8) led a Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) Special Order with Rep. Steven Horsford (NV-4) on the impact of the government shutdown and health care reform.  They were joined by CBC Chairwoman Rep. Marcia Fudge (OH-11), John Lewis (GA-5), Bobby Scott (VA-3), Barbara Lee (CA-13), G.K. Butterfield […]

Press Release

Jeffries Statement On House Republican-Led Government Shutdown

WASHINGTON- Congressman Hakeem Jeffries (NY-8) released the following statement after the government shutdown due to the failure of the House Republicans to pass a responsible resolution to keep the government funded: “This is a sad moment in our nation’s history where a band of Tea Party ideological extremists and their co-conspirators have shutdown the United […]


The Yeshiva World News: Brooklyn’s Political Power Demonstrated At Sukkah Gatherings Across The Borough

[[{“fid”:”528″,”view_mode”:”full”,”type”:”media”,”attributes”:{“style”:”width: 550px; border-width: 2px; border-style: solid; margin: 2px; float: left; height: 305px;”,”title”:”HJ – Sukkah Gathering 9.30.13″,”class”:”media-element file-full”},”link_text”:null}]]The power of Brooklyn in this year’s election was highly demonstrated as elected officials, Democratic Party leaders and community activists gathered night after night at various annual Sukkot celebrations across the Borough of Brooklyn. On Sunday, the first day […]

Press Release

Jeffries Statement On Possible Government Shutdown

WASHINGTON- Congressman Hakeem Jeffries (NY-8) released the following statement after voting against the latest GOP proposal designed to shutdown the government: “House Republicans continue to put forth extreme legislative proposals that have no chance to pass the Senate or be signed into law by the President.  The Tea Party dominated GOP has deliberately set in […]