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Leader Jeffries’ FY26 CPF and Programmatic appropriations request forms are open. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis and this webpage will be updated with a deadline once guidance is issued by the House Appropriations Committee

CPF: Every year, Rep. Jeffries has the opportunity to submit funding requests for important community projects in New York’s 8th Congressional District to the House Appropriations Committee. 

Please note that the Fiscal Year 2025 appropriations process is not yet complete, and the House Appropriations committee has NOT released the Fiscal Year 2026 guidelines for requesting funding for community projects. Consistent with prior years, projects will likely be restricted to a limited number of federal funding streams and only a handful of projects from each Representative may actually be funded. Only state and local governments and eligible non-profit entities are permitted to receive funding.

Rep. Jeffries presents Elite Learners, Inc. with $750,000 to promote financial self-sufficiency and reduce poverty.

In FY2025, House Republicans further limited the funding opportunities for non-profits by making them ineligible for HUD’s flexible Economic Development Initiative funding. The FY2025 guidance and further information on last year’s eligible funding streams is available HERE.

Organizations that would like to apply for FY2026 funding may use this form to provide preliminary information about their proposed projects so that our team may begin reviewing applications.  Please note that the webpage will be updated with further guidance and a firm submission deadline once more detailed information is released by the House Appropriations Committee. Applicants may be asked to provide further information at that time. 

Should you have any additional questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact us at or 202-225-5936 

Click below to read previous years’ requests: