Washington, DC – Today, Democratic Leader Hakeem Jeffries held a press conference where he expressed support for the ceasefire deal facilitated by President Joe Biden and emphasized that House Democrats are committed to delivering disaster assistance to Californians without partisan gamesmanship.

LEADER JEFFRIES: I first want to begin by continuing to express our thoughts and prayers to the people of Southern California and Los Angeles County who are dealing with the horrific wildfires that have claimed lives, damaged and destroyed property and upended the lives of hundreds of thousands of individuals in a significant life-altering manner. The Congress must be committed to delivering disaster assistance to the people who have been in harm’s way in California in an expeditious manner. House Democrats look forward to working on that issue free of partisan gamesmanship and brinksmanship.
Let me also express my support for the ceasefire agreement that has been reached between the Israeli government and Hamas, facilitated by significant efforts led by President Joe Biden to achieve the release of many hostages who have been held captive for far too long in harrowing and horrific conditions, help facilitate the return of other hostages as soon as possible and certainly make sure that humanitarian assistance is surged into Gaza so that innocent Palestinians who are in harm’s way can receive the humanitarian support that they need moving forward. It’s also my hope, consistent with the framework that President Joe Biden first put in the public domain last year and that now has been realized, that the ceasefire agreement will lay the foundation for a just and lasting peace between Israel and the Palestinian people moving forward.
Full press conference can be watched here.