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The Reporter: Ash Knocks In Our Hearts

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And that’s it.. And what else can you add? … But you should  talk , throw out the pain  again and again, because grief is endless … the grief of losing the 3000 sons and daughters of New York in this most horrible terrorist attack. Among them were 29 of the best people from the Russian-speaking community . They were burned in the fire of this terrible catastrophe. And their ashes are knocking into the hearts of their loved ones … and will continue to knock.

Every year on September 11th,  there is a Sea Side Park rally in the memory of the Russian-speaking victims of  the terrorist attack. Relatives, the public and politicians gather together to support those who suffered a loss, for who it is important to say again and again: “We remember and will never forgive! “

Last Wednesday, two hundred people gathered together at the 12th anniversary memorial. Ross Tisnovsky , whose sister, Helen Belilovsky, lost her life on that day, held the meeting. He said, “ September 11, 2001 will forever be the turning point in the history of mankind and in the history of each family that was affected by this tragedy . But grief unites us… “

​​Valery Savinkin , the father of the deceased Vladimir Savinkin, spoke  on behalf of  “Families of the 9/11 organization” said, “We are gathered here at our memorial where everything is clean and well maintained. A few months ago Hurricane  Sandy ruined everything here. We restored all.  Everyone tried to help us, because it was a matter for everyone. And we are grateful for it … Yes, it is still hard for us – Valery continued, Our beloved are dead, and we can talk with them only in our thoughts. But we talk, we fall asleep and wake up with their names in our hearts. And only here I can talk with my son out loud: ” Vlad, my dear, you're not forgotten! No one is forgotten as long as we are alive! “

Among the speakers were  Roman Herzberg, the father of Marina Herzberg;  Felix Ksido, husband of Lyudmila Ksido; Richard Pecorelli, who lost his fiancée Karen Judy, Dina and Jonathan Leader, Rabbi Leo Katzin, priest Konstantin.

The U.S. flag that was flown over the U.S. Capitol was given on to the 9/11 committee from Congressman Hakeem Jeffries.