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Press Release

House GOP Continues Its Assault On Women’s Rights

WASHINGTON- On June 18, 2013, Congressman Hakeem Jeffries spoke on the House Floor urging a no vote on the controversial House Republican bill, the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, H.R. 1797.  If enacted, the bill would prohibit abortions in the United States beginning at 20 weeks following conception.  H.R. 1797 passed the House 228 – 196, mostly along party lines.

A video of the House Floor statement can be viewed by clicking here.  Rep. Jeffries remarks are below:

“This bill is a violent assault on reproductive rights here in America and an unnecessary intrusion into the doctor-patient relationship.  It is a continuation of the Republican war against women and an unconstitutional effort to repeal a 40-year Supreme Court decision. 

It is dead on arrival in the senate.  The White House and the President will veto it.  A majority of the Supreme Court will declare it unconstitutional, and so why are we here wasting the time and the money of the American people on a futile and extreme legislative joyride?  This is not Barry Goldwater conservatism.  This is not even Ronald Reagan conservatism.  This is conservatism gone wild. 

We can only hope for the good of the country that our friends on the other side of the aisle can get the extremism out of their system today so that we can return to the business of the American people tomorrow.  I urge a no vote and yield back the balance of my time.”