Jeffries Statement On President Obama’s FY 2014 Budget
WASHINGTON- Today, Congressman Hakeem Jeffries issued the following statement in response to the release of President Obama’s budget proposal for fiscal year 2014:
“The President’s proposal seeks to balance the budget and reduce our long-term deficit by $4.3 trillion in a sensible manner that strengthens the middle class, fosters manufacturing growth and expands educational opportunities for our children.
Overall, President Obama put forth a sound budget that invests in the American economy in order to create jobs while simultaneously enhancing the future for generations of Americans to come. However, I cannot support any proposal that reduces desperately needed Social Security benefits to seniors in my community and throughout the country. The Administration will testify before the Budget Committee over the next few days, and I will evaluate the chained CPI proposal through the lens of my commitment to do no harm to the senior citizens of this nation.
The President has shown leadership through his effort to move the budget process forward. It is time for the House Majority to leave rigid ideology behind and attempt to find common ground for the good of America.”