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Press Release

Rep. Jeffries statement on the placement of Harriet Tubman on the $20 bill

WASHINGTON, DC — Today Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (NY-08), a key member of the House Judiciary Committee and Congressional Black Caucus leadership, released the following statement on the placement of Harriet Tubman on the $20 bill:

Harriet Tubman is one of our nation’s most important and courageous leaders. She risked her life to free hundreds of black slaves in a manner demonstrating remarkable selflessness, traveling down south an additional 19 times after escaping enslavement.

Harriet Tubman is a true hero whose story is as American as baseball and apple pie. The decision to place her on the $20 bill is another important step in the long running effort to heal the wounds of chattel slavery in the United States, one of the worst crimes ever perpetuated against humanity.

President Barack Obama and Secretary Jack Lew should be commended for their leadership in delivering this well-deserved honor to Ms. Tubman, her family and the African-American community.”
