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Press Release


Brooklyn, NY — Today, Democratic Leader Hakeem Jeffries released the following statement: 

Juneteenth is a time to come together to celebrate freedom, liberty and the resilience that has defined the Black American story from our arrival on these shores in 1619. On this date we commemorate the jubilation that filled the hearts of those men, women and children in Galveston, Texas who in 1865 received their delayed notice of emancipation after generations of bondage. More than 150 years later, President Joe Biden signed the law that finally made this important celebration of freedom a federal holiday. 

After this date of emancipation, Black Americans obtained the right to vote, gained equal protection under the law and held elected office at the local, state and federal level. Unfortunately, that joy was short-lived and followed by a vicious backlash that ushered in nearly a century of Jim Crow segregation. 

Throughout our journey in America we have always found a way to make progress in the face of opposition. House Democrats will continue the righteous fight to make America the best version of herself and secure liberty, equality and justice for every American, without delay.
