BROOKLYN, NY – Today, Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (NY-08) hosted a birthday picnic for Social Security at Canarsie Park to celebrate the 87th anniversary of President Franklin D. Roosevelt signing the Social Security Act on August 14, 1935. At the picnic, Rep. Jeffries was joined by hundreds of seniors from Bedford Stuyvesant, Fort Greene, Spring Creek, Brownsville and East New York for food, live music, dancing and games.

“Social Security is a sacred trust between the government and its people that after a lifetime of hard work and paying into a system, you will be able to retire with dignity and comfort. Yet extreme MAGA Republicans have promised to end this program in five years.
That is simply unacceptable. Millions of Americans rely on Social Security to meet their everyday needs, including 113,000 right here in New York’s 8th Congressional District and the more than 300 seniors who came out to join me today. House Democrats will fight these Republican plans to privatize, cut and even end Social Security as we know it.
While Republicans look to advance their extreme agenda that furthers the interests of the wealthiest 1%, House Democrats will build upon the foundation that President Roosevelt started 87 years ago, and put people over politics by protecting Social Security, lowering costs, creating better-paying jobs and fighting for safer communities.”