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Brooklyn Daily Eagle: Jeffries to hold town hall on Sandy relief efforts

More than a year after Superstorm Sandy hit New York City, residents in shorefront communities are still struggling to recover.

U.S. Rep. Hakeem Jeffries, whose congressional district takes in parts of storm-damaged Bergen Beach, Mill Basin and Canarsie, will host a town hall meeting on Monday, Dec. 16, at 9502 Seaview Ave. (second floor), at 7 p.m.

The purpose of the town hall is to provide residents with the opportunity to learn more about Sandy recovery efforts and to help officials understand where assistance is still needed, according to an announcement on the congressman’s website.

Many New Yorkers are still struggling to recover after Superstorm Sandy, especially home and business owners in Canarsie, Mill Basin and Bergen Beach, Jeffries said.

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Earlier this year, the New York Daily News reported that many of the damaged homes in the city’s coastal communities that were flooded by Sandy now contain mold.

The Mayor’s Fund to Advance New York City said it would spend $15 million to eradicate mold in some 2,000 homes, the Daily News reported.

At the meeting Jeffries is sponsoring, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will discuss a comprehensive resiliency study and the status of ongoing sewer infrastructure repairs.

The congressman requested that residents who plan to attend the town hall RSVP either by calling his district office at 718-373-0033 or by visiting his website at and clicking a link there.

Another elected official, state Sen. Marty Golden (R-C-Bay Ridge-southern Brooklyn), whose district includes parts of Gerritsen Beach, Manhattan Beach, Marine Park and Gravesend, had a telephone town hall scheduled for Dec. 3 at 7 p.m. to inform residents of the latest in Sandy recovery efforts.

Golden advertised the town hall on his twitter page. Residents were instructed to call a listed number and enter an ID code to participate in the town hall.